Thursday, April 28, 2011

Move That School Bus!

         Our science class is doing a project about bio diesel. We have to make our own oil by using french fry oil from our schools cafeteria. We also have to find a way to fliter the oil and find a way to make a school bus run on the oil that we create. Students are gathering as much information on how to filter the oil and the procedure on how to make the it.
        I think this will be a fun and ecofriendly project because we are helping the community come up with ideas for the future. It is also a very productive project because it may help find future renewable energy sources. Since, we will eventually run out of coal and oil and if we are not prepared for when that day comes then we would have to rely on other countries to come with other resources for us.
       In the future if cars really did run on vegetable oil, would car companies have to change anything in the car to make the engine run like a regular car that runs on oil? I would like to know the answer to this question because im curious about if cars would run more efficiently and ecofrienldy in the future. Through this project I think we will be able to find ecofriendly energy sources.